PUBLISHED: 27 August 2019

Efforts to enhance awareness of Customs procedures

In response to feedback provided through the Customs-Private Sector Partnership Mechanism, the General Department of Customs and Excise issued Prakas 1155 AKR which, amongst other provisions, requires customs units to publically post their working procedures, standards and timeframes, requires the Department of Planning, Techniques and International Affairs to enhance as comprehensively as possible the coverage of customs information and data on the customs Website ( and requires a crackdown on cross-border smuggling activity. These requirements are being effectively implemented and serving to increase transparency and the level of awareness of Customs procedures.

In implementing this Prakas the GDCE has issued a number of documents intended to enhance communication with the private sector and make information about processes and regulations easier to obtain. One important example is the ‘Handbook on Customs Clearance’ issued in October 2015 in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

