The Asia Foundation is implementing the Ponlok Chomnes II: Data and Dialogue for Development in Cambodia Program between July 2023 and June 2027 with support from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The goal of Ponlok Chomnes II is that public policy decisions, based on evidence and informed by inclusive dialogue, are operationalized and become the norm in Cambodia. To view the program two-pager, please visit here.
Program Outcomes
- Intermediate Outcome 1: Select policy research draws on diverse and inclusive evidence sources
- Intermediate Outcome 2: Select policy research findings are effectively communicated to diverse stakeholders
- Intermediate Outcome 3: Inclusive and collaborative policy dialogue processes trialled with diverse policy actors
- Intermediate Outcome 4: Women (and other excluded groups) substantively engage in select policy research and dialogue processes
- End of Program Outcome: By 2027, selected public policy processes involve inclusive dialogue and are informed by diverse, credible, evidence
Integrating gender equality, disability and social inclusion, and climate change considerations throughout the program.
Approaches and Strategies
- Strategising: Identify and leverage opportunities rather than problems
- Integrating: Integrate climate adaptation actions and gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI)
- Trialing and Learning: Trial different models of inclusive research and dialogue in select policy processes
- Supporting Emerging, Homegrown Talent: Supporting young and emerging researchers through fellowship programs
- Positioning in Policy Processes: Focused on building relationships, trust, acceptance and networks
What We Do
- Credible and Diverse Evidence: Develop research that draws on diverse and inclusive evidence sources
- Inclusive Dialogues: Convene inclusive and collaborative dialogues
- Effective Communications: Effectively communicate research findings to diverse audiences
- Meaningful Participation: Enhance the voices of women, people with disabilities and other social disadvantaged groups within program activities
Program Partners
- Technical Steering Committee: Semi-formal, technical, consists of government, key experts, academia, and civil society organisations
- Strategic Partners: Five Cambodian research institutes leveraging their expertise to undertake policy research, communication, and dialogues
- GEDSI Consortium: Three Cambodian civil society organisations with expertise in gender equality and disability rights
- Innovation Partners: Up to six small grants to support innovative research and dialogue Collaborative grants
- Collaborative Partners: Grants to support a given opportunity case, as well as other pressing issues that emerge from strategy testing and ongoing program monitoring
- Policy Engagement Partners: Collaborative grants provided to institutions to collaborate with members of the Ponlok Chomnes’ Technical Steering Committee to address needs for research (data), communication, or dialogues on the Technical Steering Committee’s respective ministry’s priorities to inform the ministry’s policy decision
- SheThinks Network: A women’s research network in Cambodia aimed at empowering women and fostering inclusivity in research.