In the interests of promoting inclusive dialogue and collaboration between the Government and think tanks in shaping public policy, Ponlok...
7 months
The Ministry of Planning released a national report on the final results of the 2022 Economic Census of Cambodia, dated...
12 months
The National Council for Sustainable Development, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Interior, and the Global Green Grow Institute, published “Sustainable...
1 year
The Royal Government of Cambodia issued a Policy Framework on the Development of State Securities 2023-2028, dated on 2 November...
1 year
The Ministry of Environment published a book called "Cambodia Roadmap for Sustainable Consumption and Production 2022-2035", dated on October 11,...
1 year
The Royal Government of Cambodia released the Pentagonal Strategy-Phase I of the Royal Government of Cambodia of the Seventh Legislature...
1 year
Ponlok Chomnes Program would like to share the research report on “Exploring the Social Well-being of Migrants and Families on...
8 months
The Asia Foundation’s Ponlok Chomnes Program is delighted to release the policy brief on “CAMBODIAN YOUTH AND THE KNOWLEDGE SECTOR:...
1 year
The Asia Foundation's Ponlok Chomnes Program is delighted to release the policy brief on “Implementation of the Private Sector’s Pension...
1 year
The Asia Foundation's Ponlok Chomnes Program is delighted to release the policy brief on “The Impacts of COVID-19 on Students...
1 year
The Asia Foundation's Ponlok Chomnes Program is delighted to release the policy brief on “Youth Volunteerism, Digital Literacy and Community...
1 year
The Asia Foundation's Ponlok Chomnes Program is delighted to release the policy brief on “Local Government and Private Sector Partnership...
1 year