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Networking Event and Validation Workshop on the preliminary findings of a “Diagnostic Study on Cambodian Youth and the Knowledge Sector”
  • Date: Friday, 2 September 2022
  • Time: 4:00 pm > 7:00 pm
  • Attending: 0
  • Location: Phnom Penh

The Asia Foundation’s Ponlok Chomnes hosted a Networking Event and Validation Workshop on the preliminary findings of a “Diagnostic Study on Cambodian Youth and the Knowledge Sector” on Friday, September 02, 2022. The workshop sought participants’ inputs and comments on the study, as well as broaden the network with relevant stakeholders, particularly those who engage with youth. The workshop convened over 70 participants who are university students, researchers, and representatives of non-government organizations, and government institutions including the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Ministry of Tourism, and the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation.

This validation workshop was supported by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australian Embassy, Cambodia) through The Asia Foundation’s Ponlok Chomnes: Data and Dialogue for Development in Cambodia program.