PUBLISHED: 27 August 2019

Strengthening the quality of the health profession graduate

a. National exit examinations conducted annually have been progressively implemented since 2013 firstly for degree and then associate degree graduates of all five health professions from both private and public universities

b. MoH launched the Health Workforce Development Plan titled ” Managing a competent health workforce for improved service delivery”on 9/10 March 2016 at the 37th National Health Congress on Health Achievements in 2015 and Goal for 2016. Strategic Objective 4 focuses on
“Improve the quality of education and training to meet the skill and development needs of the workforce in a changing demographic and epidemiological environment” and Strategic Objective 5 focuses on “Strengthen health workforce regulation and management to ensure quality of service delivery.”

c. MoH recently called for a meeting with all the private institutions providing health profession education to discuss strengthening the quality of health education (entry and exit exams, curriculum, internship)

d. MoH is working with the Ministry of Education,Youth and Sport (MoEYS) to develop a Joint Prakas on Conditions and Minimum Standards for Training Institutions and Programmes in Health.
This new Joint Prakas is designed to help improve the quality of both public and private training institutions and their delivery of quality education programmes in health disciplines.
