Improving services

MLVT is planning to establish One Window Service and an online system to facilitate the registration process in 2016

Social Security

a. Helped the worker to receive work injury insurance with National Social Security Fund. The membership free is supported by the employer. b. MLVT will be working on Health Care and Pension schemes in 2016

Youth employment

a. Establishing a National Youth Employment Agency responsible for providing job information, labor market information, provide career guidance and direction, and how to apply for a job to youth as well as organizing annual career forum. The agency also organizes the career forums at provincial, district, and communal levels. There are at least 7 job […]

Improving the quality of vocational training

a. MLVT has developed a strategic plan to monitor and improve their institutional management as well as the educational system to attract more people registered for vocational training. b. Increase the unit cost in order to improve the quality of the training. Three of 39 institutions registered under MLVT have been awarded the ISO Standard […]

Improving working condition

a. Improve the effectiveness of the inspection by establishing “Joint Labour Inspection” unit responsible for law enforcement, improving and ensuring welfare and health working environment, and protecting child labour abuse. The establishment of this unit could facilitate the inspection process where all relevant departments from MLVT conduct the inspection particular company/factory once at the same […]