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Ponlok Chomnes MEL specialist Sharing knowledge and taking action on water, energy and climate challenges in the Mekong
- Date: Wednesday, 29 May 2024
- Time: 8:00 am > 5:00 pm
- Attending: 0
- Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Sharing knowledge and action on water, energy and climate challenges in the Mekong. #PonlokChomnes #MEL specialist Sharing knowledge and taking action on water, energy and climate challenges in the Mekong. # Mr. Prak Rathyrea, is a panelist for #SUMERNETLearningForum2024 “Leveraging Regional Alliance for Knowledge Co-Production: Opportunity and Challenges Engaging WEC Nexus”, Bangkok, Thailand. This session will share best practices and promote collaboration across the MTT Alliance.