Health System Governance

a. MoH (as of May 2015) provides comprehensive access to public health services through the Health Equity Fund covering 100 per cent of poor population estimated at 3.2 million. In addition to medical services, the HEF also provides direct support for transportation and caretaker food allowances. b. The annual budget is transferred from the central […]

Promoting decentralization

MoH provides authorization on some functions to sub-national level (Operational District). Provincial Health Department is now responsible for developing its own development plan including budget planning. The Deputy Provincial Health Director and lower levels could be appointed by provincial governor and provincial council committee. Several functions (maintaining health centres [hygiene, electricity, water, etc.]; [ii] providing […]

Strengthening the quality of the health profession graduate

a. National exit examinations conducted annually have been progressively implemented since 2013 firstly for degree and then associate degree graduates of all five health professions from both private and public universities . b. MoH launched the Health Workforce Development Plan titled ” Managing a competent health workforce for improved service delivery”on 9/10 March 2016 at the […]


a. New law on Regulation of health practitioners: after the Roka HIV outbreak coupled with the mounting pressure for the ASEAN integration by the end of 2015, MoH and the five health profession Councils drafted a law on the Regulation of health practitioners that includes medical doctors, dentists, midwives, nurses and pharmacists. This law is designed to strengthen […]