Develop planning/budgeting systems for different types of SNAs

The Policy on SNA Planning Systems was developed and approved in November 2014. The policy promotes the autonomy of each SNA to develop plans, to manage their own resources, to implement transferred functions, and to carry out permissive functions of their choosing to better respond to the local priorities and needs. It helps to make […]

Strengthening the Power of Councils

Sub-decree on Procedures for the Preparation, Amendment to and Repeal of Deikas of the Capital Council and Provincial, District, Municipal and Khan Councils was approved. The Council is able to prepare the Deikas. However, Deikas must ensure participation from relevant stakeholders, especially women, youth, and vulnerable groups. Deikas must be reviewed by the Board of […]

Sub-national Administration (SNA) Human Resources Statute

To be autonomous and accountable, SNAs need to manage their own human resources. SNAs will take a lead in recruiting, appointing, and disciplining their staff according to natinal guidlines. Jointly with MCS NCDD has drafted the Royal Decree on Particular Statute for Sub-National Administration Civil Servants.

Implementation of Social Accountability in all communes in 22 districts

To provide information to citizens on their rights, service delivery standards, budget, and performance. – 215 Community Accountability Facilitators were recruited – Training were completed in all 22 districts – Materials including poster and booklets were supplied in 22 districts – 11 districts completed citizen monitoring activities – 11 districts held interface meeting (between citizens […]

Functional reassignment

Functional reassignment process involves identifying and analyzing their functions (called “functional mapping”), assessing the feasibility of re-assigning functions and making decisions about which functions to transfer (called “functional review”), and implementing the reassignment.

Implementation of District/Municipal Fund

To channel sufficient development resources to Districts/Municipalities (DMs) through the DM fund. Sub-decree on the contribution of the state budget to the DM Fund was approved . The DM Fund is meant to focus on two expenditure components: administration and development. The development component focusses on initiating and financing social projects which were voiced by […]