Innovation Partners

The Ponlok Chomnes Innovation Fund is a competitive process for Cambodian organisations to propose and test their innovative ideas in response to emerging policy opportunities/issues either at the national or subnational level. This Innovation Fund is expected to support up to four Cambodian organisations. This would be an eight-month to twelve-month grant.

The Ponlok Chomnes Innovation Fund will support innovative ideas that use inclusive approaches to address inclusive climate resilience; digital transformation; situation, needs, and access of GEDSI accessing public services; women, peace, and security; and other policy-relevant topics. In addition, selected partners will have access to a wider network of knowledge ecosystem in Cambodia. Partners will be able to strengthen their existing networks and build new networks through Ponlok Chomnes’ convening mechanisms, including policy dialogues. Through these mechanisms, partners will be able to increase their opportunities to interact with other partners and policymakers at both the national and sub-national levels.

During the call for Expressions of Interest for Innovation Fund (ROUND ONE), four institutions were identified. They include: