Latest events

Internship Opportunity with Ponlok Chomnes Program: Communication Intern
20 Mar 2024

Ponlok Chomnes Program is seeking one part-time Communications Intern for the period of six months to join the Ponlok Chomnes...

4 months


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Welcome Leane Regan, our Communication Mentor for the Ponlok Chomnes Program
26 Feb 2024

We are pleased to inform you that the Ponlok Chomnes program engaged a Communication Mentor through the Australian Volunteer Program....

4 months


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Communication Internship Opportunity
06 Oct 2023
Communication Internship Opportunity
6 October 2023 | Phnom Penh

The Asia Foundation Cambodia’s Ponlok Chomnes Program is seeking one part-time Communication Intern for the period of six months to...

10 months


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