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Consultation Workshop and Networking Event: “The Knowledge Sector in Foreign Policy in Cambodia”
  • Date: Tuesday, 14 March 2023
  • Time: 4:00 pm > 7:00 pm
  • Attending: 0
  • Location: Phnom Penh

The Asia Foundation’s Ponlok Chomnes program hosted a Consultation Workshop and Networking Event:

“The Knowledge Sector in Foreign Policy in Cambodia” on Tuesday, 14 March 2023. This workshop aimed to seek participants’ input and comments for preliminary findings of a study conducted by the Foundation’s partner, the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace. The workshop also offered opportunities for participants to broaden their network with relevant stakeholders, and exchange ideas. The workshop convened 85 participants with nearly 60% women, who are researchers and representatives from non-government organizations, think tanks, academia, university students, and ministries.

Key highlights from workshop:

– Participants found the workshop interesting, particularly students, who learned from the research findings presented by CICP
– Researchers were encouraged to write in Khmer language to promote local literature and publications
– Researchers, academia, and especially students were encouraged to publish and connect themselves with research institutions in Cambodia
– Effective foreign policy is driven by research that is reflective of global and regional trends, helping governments to respond to unforeseen events and pursue opportunities

This workshop was supported by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australian Embassy, Cambodia) through The Asia Foundation’s Ponlok Chomnes: Data and Dialogue for Development in Cambodia program.
