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GEDSI Training Series 3: GEDSI Integration in Research Process
  • Date: Monday, 9 September 2024 9:00 am > Tuesday, 10 September 2024 5:00 pm
  • Attending: 0
  • Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

GEDSI Training Series 3: Reflection, Collaboration, and GEDSI Sensitivity Enhancement 

The Ponlok Chomnes program, in collaboration with GEDSI Consortium, has conducted the third series of training workshop on “Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion” under the them “GEDSI Integration in Research Process” for two days from 9-10 September 2024. 

The training focused on theoretical aspect of GEDSI and practical applications in the research process. It aimed to embed GEDSI in research, foster collaboration, and enhance practical sensitivity through the gender equality continuum tool.  

Expected outcomes included: 

  • Building confidence and knowledge in navigating GEDSI knowledge into their work context. 
  • Strengthening knowledge of CEDAW in relation to its principles and discrimination relevant to research work. 
  • Engaging in collaborative actions to incorporate GEDSI dimensions into the research process. 

Huge thanks to our dedicated trainers and facilitators from GADC, WPM, and CDPO for their invaluable contributions! 

To see the highlight of the ​workshop, please click “View Event Gallery”. 

Ponlok Chomnes program works collaboratively with our GEDSI Consortiums, Strategic Partners, and Innovation Partners, to integrate the GEDSI Lens in research and ensure that the research is inclusive of diverse voices and is evidence-based that will inform inclusive public policy decisions in Cambodia.