PUBLISHED: 27 August 2019

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Between 2006 and 2010, the Royal Government of Cambodia, the Council on Legal and Judicial Reform, the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Interior with funding support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID) implemented the Access to Justice Project. One of the project’s components was the establishment of the dispute resolution system called “Maisons de la Justice” at the district level and “Commune Dispute Resolution Committee (CDRC)” at the commune level. Both of these mechanisms have provided an alternative to the court process. By 2010, there were 20 Maisons and 56 CDRCs across the country. The RGC has since established an additional 31 Maisons. By 2016, most districts and communes across the country have this mechanism.
