Visit Cambodia Website and Mobile App

The Ministry of Tourism has launched a new website and mobile app to attract more tourists to Cambodia. The Visit Cambodia mobile app will help tourists find online destinations, hotel and restaurant booking in Cambodia. -Website: -For App Android: link Source: Phnom Penh Post, November 5, 2019

National Eco-tourism Policy

A joint working group between Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Environment was created to draft a national eco-tourism policy. The policy aims to expand eco-tourism destinations, diversify tourism sites, and to protect them. The policy is a result of an increase of tourism revenue in the previous year. The draft is expected to be […]

Online ticket for Angkor site

The Ministry of Economics and Finance and the Ministry of Tourism just announced that the ticket to visit Angkor site can now be purchased online.

The Core Mechanism to Support the Plan: “Clean City, Clean Resort, Good Service, and Good Hospitality”

a. “Clean City Movement” the movement includes first evaluation for the cleanest city among 17 cities, draft preparation for standardized school and green market, preparation for national day for clean city, “No Plastic Bag” campaign, and document preparation for “ASEAN Clean Tourism City” b. “Clean Resort Good Service and Good Hospitality Movement” organizing an award ceremony for […]

Reform Plan (2015-2018)

a. One service One Standard: a development in strengthening the quality of tourism industry in issuing tourism license, environmental logo, logo of quality, and drafting law and regulation. Under this direction, there are a few initiatives: Create training center on using online license system Create commission on solving tourism dispute Tour guide service: Create online system […]