Cambodian Participation in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, Soft Power Development
Presenting a working paper on “Cambodian Participation in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, Soft Power Development” by Future Forum’s Young Research Fellow, CHAN Sam Art:
“Despite the vast literature on Western and Chinese soft power, the concept itself is relatively new in the context of Cambodia’s foreign policy. Grounded in the literature examining soft power, this article argues that a core component of Cambodia’s development thereof is understood via the country’s active engagement in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. It examines in detail how Cambodia has developed its soft power resources and the outcomes thereof at the international and domestic levels.’’
To read the full paper, please visit: https://www.futureforum.asia/working-papers/cambodian-participation-in-united-nations-peacekeeping-operations%2C-soft-power-development?fbclid=IwAR2wptK2dLIX9AUr6rpMlOwO0qnb_yTMEudaaeFHyksJwhBu-IaGAlE_XJ4
Disclaimer: This working paper has been funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australian Embassy, Cambodia) through The Asia Foundation’s Ponlok Chomnes: Data and Dialogue for Development in Cambodia program, SIDA (Embassy of Sweden Section Office in Phnom Penh), and Open Society Foundations (OSF).