Notice on the Recruitment of Student and Official Applicants to Work in the Ministry of Civil Services; Ministry of National Assembly-Senate Relations and Inspection; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology; Ministry of Commerce and Secretariat of Civil Aviation in 2021

The Ministry of Civil Service issued a Notice on the Recruitment of Student and Official Applicants to Work in the Ministry of Civil Services; Ministry of National Assembly-Senate Relations and Inspection; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology; Ministry of Commerce and Secretariat of Civil Aviation in 2021 dated on […]

National Strategic Development Plan to Combat Corruption

The Cambodian government has launched the National Strategic Development Plan 2019-2023 that covers six priority tasks, including increasing precautionary measures and legal action under the anti-corruption framework, expanding the dissemination of information on public services, legal standard letters and documents involving national policies, examining the possibility of using information technology to support policy implementation, strengthening […]

Monitoring and Evaluation

Establish a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system for assessing the implementation of the NPAR 2015-2018: setting up tools and data flow system and develop guidelines on M&E for assessing the implementation of the NPAR

Pay and Remuneration

A. Establish and implement the payment of civil servants and contractual staff salaries through banking system using ICT: setting up and implementing “Drag and Drop System” between MoCS and General Department of National Treasury and banking partners and widely in all 25 capital/provinces B. Integrate payment of contractual staff salaries into a common database of civil servants […]

Human Resource Management and Development

A. Revised civil servant’s categories, ranks, and steps. Categories of the civil servants have been reduced from 4 to 3 categories (A, B, and C). B. Issued sub-decree on management and arrangement of teaching services at public primary schools C. Develop a 3-year rolling HR plan and legal regulations for trainings D. Set up database for […]

Improvement of Public Service Quality

A. Develop and implement monitoring and evaluation system for assessing the quality and effectiveness of public service delivery in Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and Ministry of Health. B. Update the public service compendiums 2, 5, 6, and 7 C. Improve procedures and mechanisms of key public service delivery that are directly linked to citizens’ standard of […]

Institutional Establishment

A. Public Administrative Reform Committee (CPAR): its main mission is to initiate, develop, execute, and monitor the implementation of policies, strategies, and action plan of National Program for Public Administrative Reform. B. Three Reform Secretariats: its main role is to organise and facilitate the implementation of the National Program for Public Administrative Reform (NPAR). C. Compensation Reform […]